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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kindness and the positive witness

I Timothy 6:18 They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,...

The joy for living a Christ-filled life comes from sharing the message of love and hope through our daily lives. Every encounter with another person gives the opportunity to show through our actions and words the Christian message.

There are multiple New Testament references instructing Christians to do good works. These good works must come from our hearts and not from any sense that we are earning points with Jesus.

Good works are a simple as smiling and greeting others with a pleasant spirit. That means we have to be conscious of our countenance, our tone, and our words. A scowling face sends a message to others, and it is not usually a good one. Our words and tone take on meaning, too.

Kind words are easy to choose. From your childhood, you have probably learned the power of using "please" and "thank you." There are other words that show politeness. Use them.

Proverbs 17:22 speaks of the joyful heart being like good medicine. The joy that we share as Christ's followers is unmatched, and all our actions and words should show that joy. Your kind words will impact someone today.

Prayer: Help me to see the opportunities in front of me to show Christ's love through my actions and kind words.

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